As of now, he says, the news is that there's no news. As far as rounding up Arrested's cast goes, Hurwitz said he had hoped he had something big to announce today, but it hasn't happened yet. And although in front of the critics he joked that he already knew the movie's plot -- it's Valkyrie meets Hotel For Dogs, he said -- later the writer admitted that the script, too, is yet to be.
But for you fans of the Bluth clan, you can take solace in that the always hilarious Will Arnett and Jason Bateman are reunited with Hurwitz in Sit Down, Shut Up. And, since Hurwitz told me that his actors often do improv some lines, many of which then have made it into these first 13 episodes, we can look forward to some great stuff.
Sit Down, Shut Up
Premieres on Fox Sunday, April 19
8:30 PM Eastern
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