Monday, February 2, 2009

On the set of CSI

Last month during the Television Critics' Convention, I had the opportunity to go on the set of CSI and pose among the show's realistic props.  For one thing, TV's version of a city's crime lab is, sadly, often better-funded and has better equipment than real labs in many cities.  And in the photos at right, can you spot which corpse is a real live human, and which is just a mass of latex?  Here's a hint:  when he opened his eyes after the shot was taken, I jumped out of my skin.

In the upcoming issue of CBS' Watch magazine, I interviewed Laurence Fishburne about taking over the reins as the new guy in the CSI crime lab.  And for the current issue on newsstands, I checked in with the show's writers, as they were writing their goodbye to William Petersen's character, to compile a list of the top "deadly dozen" Gil Grissom moments.  Click here for the story.

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