Starting this Sunday, June 1, Fox is bringing back Enlisted for its final four -- and, according to the show's creator Kevin Biegel -- best episodes. Biegel and his fellow producers are holding out hope for this last ratings battle, pointing out that if Enlisted experiences a ratings bump, it will help their case in being able to sell the show to another network or platform.
Below, a message from Biegel asking you to check out Enlisted -- and I'll add my voice to that, too. Catch this worthy comedy before it's too late.
New episodes of Enlisted start this Sunday, June 1 at 7/6c on Fox.
There are 4 new episodes, and they will be on every Sunday in June with the finale airing on June 22.
These are the best four episodes we did. The episode airing June 1, our first one back, is one of our funniest, and the finale is one of the best pieces of TV I've ever been lucky enough to be a part of.
Here's a recent article from Foreign Policy that speaks to how much the military community has embraced the show:
If we get any even the slightest rating bump, it can help us live. This may seem like a fool's errand, but even a little bit of hope is still hope. I love this show and believe in this show too much to give up.
If you can, spread the word about the show coming back. Forward this email to your friends, ask them to do the same. If anyone knows or knows of a Nielsen family, beg them to watch. Beg, really? That's strong. How about ask?
I do hate asking favors, but I fear no one will know Enlisted is coming back on the air for the final 4. If we can get even a slightly decent rating we can show a new home that this show has a real fan base.
Thank you so much,